Make dreams come true
At The Mount Group RDA we are committed to providing weekly therapeutic riding lessons for our riders, but to do this, we really need your help.
Imagine someone spending most of their time in a wheelchair looking up at people, discovering that when in the saddle, they are the ones looking down! Or, a child, who for the first five years of his life has never spoken, say “walk on” to their pony!
The benefits of riding are immeasurable. It helps develop balance and coordination, improves core strength and increases spatial awareness. The advantages of being in physical contact with horses are endless. Riding is also hugely beneficial from an emotional point of view. It helps to build confidence and raise self esteem. Riding can also help facilitate speech and language; nurturing the bond between horse and rider and creating a sense of well being. It is hugely satisfying and rewarding to witness the rider who struggles to show emotion, burying her face in her pony’s neck to hug him. The benefits of riding are as great for them, the riders, as for us who help
Do you want to raise the confidence and self esteem of one of our riders?
By making a donation you can do just that.
It costs more than £22,000 per annum to run the Mount Group. Please help us by making a donation today!
Thank you from all the volunteers and riders.
Please donate via by following the direct link on our "links" page

Leaving a legacy
Please consider The Mount Group Riding for the Disabled, Charity Number: 1168627, when writing your will. By leaving a legacy, large or small, you will help us to continue delivering life changing therapy.