Thursday 14th November 2024 - Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be held at Great Dalby Village Hall - 19 Top End, Great Dalby, Melton Mowbray. LE14 2HA.
Doors will open for refreshments at 7:00pm in readiness for a prompt start at 7:30PM............EVERYBODY WELCOME
16th August 2024 - Countryside Challenge
Our Friday riders practised all Summer and on the 16th August they performed in our local version of the RDA Countryside Challenge. Everybody who took part received a rosette from our Chair/Lead Coach........

30th June 2024 - Blaston Show
Mount Group RDA ran a Handy Pony Competition. Lots of fun was had by all and we raised some funds too........

18th May 2024 - East Midlands Quadrille Club at Aylesford Cross Country
Mount Group RDA ran a cake stall and, later, received a fantastic donation.

6th May 2024 - Braunston Fayre
We were kindly invited to have a stall and help raise funds by selling raffle tickets that not only benefited The Mount Group RDA but also the Braunston Village Hall and Church as well.
28th April 2024 - Rutland-Melton Cicle Classic (Oakham and Wymondham)
Unfortunately our annual appearance at the CiCLE Classic was curtailed by bad weather but we did manage to raise a few pounds before everybody went home early.

Spring 2024
Two of our riders practiced hard and took part in a virtual dressage competition - Didn't they do well!

MAY 2023
The Friday riders enjoying a hack down the lane and getting their Coronation rosettes. The two boys rode off the lead rein for the first time today. What an achievement!

April 2023 The East Midlands Team supporting the Mount Group again at the rutland-melton cicle classic!

September 2022
A training /induction day was held for all the volunteers. The coaches were able to assess which ponies would best match their riders.
August 2022
The Mount Group held an Open Day so that volunteers and riders could familiarise themselves with the new premises.

July 2022 - The Great Move.
The move from Somerby Equestrian Centre to Waterloo Lodge Farm begins!

April 2022 Rutland-Melton Cicle Classic :
The East Midlands team proudly publicising the Mount Group as they prepare for a gruelling 180km race. The international elite cyclists had a fantastic day and covered Oakham, Wymondham, Owston and Melton Mowbray.
An enormous thank you to the Cicle Classic for continuing to support and promote The Mount Group as their chosen charity.

Albert Rutledge - Pat Bishop Memorial Award for Volunteer of the Year 2019
Jane Corrall, Regional Chair, presented Albert Rutledge with the Pat Bishop Memorial Award for Volunteer of the Year 2019. Albert was also presented with a superb cake to celebrate the occasion (thank you to Baines, Uppingham).

The Trophy now engraved with Albert's name - handed over at the Christmas lunch.

National Championships - Arts and Crafts Category
Two of our riders, Christine and Kate, were presented with prizes and rosettes at the RDA Christmas lunch, for their entries in the National Championships Arts and Crafts Category. Very well done to both!

The Gemma McCormick Countryside Challenge - June 2019
The Gemma McCormick Countryside Challenge took place in June 2019. It was a fantastic event that was well attended by riders, helpers/volunteers, organisers and family and friends. We would like to express a huge thank you to Sue Brandon-Smith and all of the volunteers that helped with the organisation of this successful event! We would also like to thank the judges, Karen Thomson and Liz Jones, for doing such an excellent job.

Many lovely pictures were taken on the day - here is a selection. More can be found on our Facebook page.
Rutland-Melton Cicle Classic - April 2019
Many thanks to Mount Group volunteers, friends and family who all sold cakes, programmes, clothes and mugs to raise funds at the Rutland-Cicle Classic on 28th April. The cyclists had a fantastic day and covered Oakham, Wymondham, Owston and Melton Mowbray. Again, a huge thank you to everyone who has helped and to the Cicle Classic for continuing to support and promote The Mount Group as their chosen charity.
BBC Radio Leicester visits The Mount Group RDA
Big thanks to BBC Leicester for their great piece of filming and thank you also to Hazel for taking part in the interview. See the link to the clip, via the BBC Facebook page below.

"I'm just an ordinary woman riding on a horse" - Hazel
The Rutland High Sheriff visited The Mount Group RDA
In June 2019, the Rutland High Sheriff, Sue Jarron, visited our group to find out a little more about our activities and how we operate. She had the opportunity of meeting our Group Organiser, Di Poyser along with several of our coaches and volunteers. She also had the pleasure of meeting many of our clients, both children and adults and of course all of the lovely ponies!

Rutland-Melton CiCLE Classic - April 2018
The Rutland-Melton CiCLE Classic have adopted The Mount Group as their chosen charity once again this year! On Sunday 22nd April, this one day international cycle race featured 180 cyclists racing over 180 arduous kilometers. After nearly 5 hours of racing Britain's Gabriel Cullaigh from Team Wiggins took the win in a 3 man sprint finish.
Mount Group volunteers raised over £500 thanks to the generous spectators at Oakham, Owston and Melton Mowbray. Donations were made for CiCLE Classic programmes and memorabilia, for the delicious array of cakes on our stall and from the sale of CiCLE Classic jerseys.

Melton Times Sports Awards - Feb 2018
Many congratulations to Christine Durrance and Tim Birley, who both recevied awards at The Melton Times Sports Awards. Both were finalists in the Disabled Sports Person of the Year category, for their achievements at The Special Olympics held in Sheffield, during Summer 2017. Christine won the overall category - a great result!!
Meet Jet - The Mechanical Horse
This handsome boy is Jet - an amazing simulator horse, who is now an established member of our team of horses and ponies. Jet stands at about 15 hands high and he comes complete with virtual reality TV screen - which simulates riding on a real horse through a range of different environments, such as riding through woods, along the beach or in an arena.
Jet has become an invaluable resource for our clients. The simulator is used for rehabilitation, confidence building and developing horse skills. It provides a safe way to practice before riding a real horse. For several clients, including those with brain injury, riding on Jet is the only significant exercise they can access. Riding Jet has the benefits of developing core strength, balance, stability and also provides three dimensional physiotherapy.

Special Olympics East Midlands Equestrian 2017
Mount Group RDA competed at Special Olympics National Summer Games. Four Mount Group riders had a brilliant time in Sheffield an came away with some amazing results.